State of Affairs for election fraud, voter bribery and voter intimidation in NV
by Elicia Afton
I believe election fraud, voter bribery and voter intimidation has taken place and an investigation should occur.
To review Election Fraud first, we see the case in Boulder city with voter Joyce Ferrerra where the machines did not record her vote correctly for Sharron Angle during early voting. It was not an isolated incident because it happened to several voters within minutes of each other. 400 fraud investigators from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice were sent across 18 states, but unfortunately none were sent to NV amidst this news.
In my opinion those machines should have been seized and recalibrated at the first report of malfunctioning. However, the response from Larry Lomax, head of the registrar of voters in Clark County, said that Ferrerra’s claims were “patently false” and that a community with elderly citizens could have difficulty casting their ballot.
I looked into other cases where there have been problems with the electronic voting machines, and there are plenty of those cases. Voting Machines do malfunction! In this recent midterm it happened across the country. In North Carolina The New Bern Journal reported that the voting machine displayed a ballot with all democrats checked. It took the election staff 3 times to finally record the correct republican vote for the voter. In Dallas it was reported that a vote for Gov. Rick Perry was replaced with a straight ticket Green Party vote. This incident was recorded on video, although illegal to do so. The video was forced to be made private on you-tube. You-Tube “hacking democracy” and “black box voting” if you want to see other examples of malfunctioning voting machines. In cases such as this, it does not matter how precise or how short of time your finger lingers on the machine, the wrong vote records.
Going back to 2008 there was a huge voter fraud controversy in New Hampshire, where Hilary Clinton benefited from votes actually cast for Ron Paul in their open primary. The machines that they were using in this incident were owned by LHS Associates whose owner John Silvestro went to great lengths to deflect accusations the machines can be rigged. The case was sent to the New Hampshire legislature, where a hacking expert testified that the machines are wide open to fraud and specifically built to allow tampering; the case also revealed that convicted felons were running ballot printing operations. Should we not advocate for a case to be heard here in Nevada? I’m curious as to what we would be able to uncover. Voting machines like any computer can be rigged with a virus and hacked, as the case heard in the New Hampshire legislature proved.
In most cases, voting machines just require recalibration to make the system work again, which should have been done in Boulder City. But the fact Larry Lomax just denied there was a problem…is a problem. HMMMMM a case forming...possibly. The technicians that operated those electronic machines are the pro-Reid SEIU, the same union that was behind thousands of bogus voter registrations across the nation. “A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between Clark County and SEIU Local 1107 puts the union in charge of servicing all voting machines. The agreement reads as follows:
The County hereby recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative of the County employees assigned to the classifications listed in Appendix A who are eligible to be represented by the Union except as limited by Section 2 of this Article. The Union shall be notified of additions to the list of classifications (Exhibit A) within seven (7) days of posting for the position classification and shall receive 30 days advance notice of any deletions.”
Therefore, it’s not a huge leap to make the accusation the machines were tainted, it takes 10 minutes to hack a machine.
Don’t forget on election night the polls in Elko County didn’t close until 7:50 pm due to long lines and A power outage in Henderson briefly delayed voting at Schofield Elementary School earlier in the evening, after a vehicle hit a transformer at Eastern Avenue and the 215 Beltway. We didn’t hear the first results until the 9 pm hour. This sounds like a last chance effort to achieve a final tally above the margin of error for Reid.
Which I will also remind Sherman Fredrick, Las Vegas Review Journal Editor, of his promise made the Monday before the election at the Republican
Club Luncheon to file a complaint with the NV SoS if Reid won above the margin of error….no word on that yet.
Concerning alleged voter fraud it is not inconceivable that in the 12th hour of voting, massive groups of people, organized by the SEIU, as they are known to do, vote in the place of those who have not voted yet or vote in the place of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading team illegally registered through Acorn.
It is easy enough to in NV where no ID is required to tell an election officer a false name and give a false signature. Fortunately, to make it easy for this scenario to take place a copy of what the voter signature looks like is directly next to where the voter is required to sign.
Curious as to all the complaints that have been filed with the NV SoS concerning Election Day fraud cases and voter intimidation, I contacted Michael Morely the NV EDO Legal/Litigation Director to ask what complaints the State Party is going to file or what have they already filed. As a poll watcher, trained by him I figured he would have the answers. However he replied “I apologize, any such inquiries should be directed to the state party. I am not authorized to make any official comments. I would point out, however, that as a matter of public record we filed numerous complaints and letters with the Secretary of State's office regarding the election and a separate complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, and aggressively pursued all instances of potential illegality or irregularity of which we were aware. “
Seeking guidance from the state party, Frank Ricotta of the CCRP party and said “We have made some plans at the county level and we have formed a committee to collect information and to perform some post election analysis.” And I was invited to attend the CCRP meeting Nov. 16. Perhaps the plan will be unveiled if our leaders will take our questions and suspicions to the courts. As of now, the CCRP is currently taking emails at for people to report any incidents of voter fraud at To supplement this effort our friend Daxton Brown, author of “Harry: Money Mob and Influence” has also created the website LASVEGASSPOTLIGHT.COM, dedicated to posting incidents of voter fraud in NV, as opposed to just collect them. There is no site in NV where there is a website besides this one where all the complaints are listed. Assuredly there will be a new chapter in Daxton’s book concerning election fraud, bribery, and intimidation.
To continue my research of submitted voter complaints, Jeff German of the Las Vegas Review Journal wrote the first story of fraud on OCT 29, 2010 titled “GOP files complaint charging voting violations by Unions.” He could not tell me where all of the complaints to the SoS are listed. He could only recall 3 or 4 complaints filed by our party, as opposed to the “Numerous complaints that the EDO Director, Morely, claims to have filed.” Shouldn’t all complaints made with the SoS be made public? It’s like they are made and then vanish… Case in point, whatever happened to Dan Burdish’s case against our Sec. of State Ross Miller, who allowed Scott Ashjdan the Tea Party Candidate to run after failing to comply with candidate registration rules?
One report that I can speak about is one filed by Reno attorney David O’Mara on behalf of Babette Rutherford, a poll watcher who complained of the SEIU involvement at the polls, including unlawfully offering lunch to members as an incentive to vote. According to NVRS 293.700 (a person who bribes or uses any other corrupt means, directly or indirectly to influence..his/her guilty of category d felony)and 18 U.S.C 597..(whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure…to vote…shall be fined..or imprisoned)
There are also rules against Interference with Election and rules regarding Poll Watchers, which have both been violated in this election according to O’Mara. However, I think that his case of Voter Intimidation and Voter Bribery can be made stronger if some employees of the MGM and Harrah’s come forward and confirm the reports. Unfortunately there are no guards against retaliation against a Union Whistleblower, and thus no employees. Look at Gerrit Hale, former candidate for Clark County Assessor, who dared to run against the bosses chosen successor, Michele Schafe, and was fired from his position in the Assessor’s office.
The other complaint that made the news was Angle’s Voter Intimidation Complaint with the Justice Department. This is in regards to a series of emails that were discovered between Harrah’s VP of government relations, Jan Jones and an unnamed Reid Staffer, who promised to do anything to drive votes and that they need particular help in getting the ranks especially in housekeeping and B&F (whatever that is).
Here we see a case of voter intimidation outside the polls. We can practice our right to NOT vote just as well as our right to vote. To tell a worker that it will be devastating to your industry’s future if Reid is not elected, is a lie and it was circulated among the supervisors to tell their employees. This is coercion at the most basic level.
The most obvious reason we need an investigation is the huge gap between the polls and actual results. It was a 9 pt spread, which is above the margin of error, which is usually 4 pts. As reported by Scott Rasmussen, a great ground game on behalf of Reid is not enough to account for the 9 point spread. With the reports we have so far, I claim chicanery and it’s in the Nevada Supreme Court’s court to call the election before November 23.
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